Thursday, January 8, 2009

A VIDEO A DAY?!!! That's almost crazy O.o

Yeah yeah! I've decided to just go ahead and do that. I don't need you! Okay I do I do! Your my loving viewers! I love you all equally ^_^.
I'll be making video blogs till the end of this month. On the first of February I'll be posting an awesome uber new uber cool new video! I have yet to work the complete details on it, but I have this month to fully come up with an idea and make a video. Also I have plenty of free time!
So thus far I have day one and two, so keep posted by subscribing to my videos on youtube. You will also find the videos on the side youtube bar located to your loving left. So its really just that simple. ^_^
We love simple!

Tomorrows the rest of today went and possibly relationships of yesterdays past.
I'll keep it all hush hush after that and all will be a suprise. People like those, I hear.

On my myspace I posted a blog to all those Twilight Fans, its about the upcoming new movie New Moon due out later this year. November 20th to be exact. I hope it does really come out on that day. Imagin all the happy fan girls.
All who have yet to read Twilight or New Moon please do so! They're awesome books and I've already read those two. I am waiting to go to the store to get the Eclips book and I think I'll just get Breaking Dawn on the same day, to save me the troble later.
Keep posted on all Twilight saga news by visiting Stephanie Meyers blog to find out all the scoops on everything Twilight realted news. Also get a sneak peek at her soon (I hope) to come book called Midnight Sun.
Here is the link to Stephanines Meyers official website:
She can keep you better true so true!

Anyway, hope you all have a great one!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Just click on the picture above to go listen to my podcast. The newest is on the top, the oldest is on the bottom.
Also I had a special guest for the newer podcast. Jonathan Gois joined me on the podcast, so have a listen and have a few LOL's along the way!

Also here are a few video blogs.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Halloween is almost upon us, YAY!

Has anyone gone out and bought there costume yet? Or are you the kind of person who likes to make they're own costume?
Well I'm the kind who likes to make her own at home. Not only do you save money by making it at home, but also your costume will tend to fit WAY better. lol

This Halloween I've decided to dress up as L from Death Note. (Pictures to be posted later)
I've sent for a wig, but I already have the cloths needed to pull off the perfect L.
Yes I'm well aware that many people dress as L for any wonderful occasion, but I find that the choice I've made will go well with one of my friends costume ideas.
I'm hoping the wig gets here on time *crosses fingers*

Other than this Halloween subject. I've got great news!...I guess you could call it such.
Tonight my video, which should be called movie, will be viewed at my church tonight. I'm unsure of the air time, but soon all this waiting will be over.
Also, I'll be posting the video on youtube. After some minor changes to some of the videos and what not and they will be good to go. They might also be on sale.
That is what I'm hoping for.
Donation wise, for the youth.
I hope people enjoy it as much as I do. I hope they feel the emotions that went through me when I saw my finished product.

Alright I think this is enough yapping on about my life, as a non- covergirl.
P.S. PREVIEW to tonight's airing:

Monday, September 8, 2008

I should come with my own warning label!

I say that because every time I socialize or make a video people tend to get rubbed the wrong way.
Okay I'm not saying that my videos should change because of one's, but I'm saying when people meet me or see me then I should just have a warning label pop up in front of me telling people what they are getting into.

I thought of that yesterday.

I tend to say the wrong thing when there are people who think differently than I do. My jokes slide off as being rude and vulgarer. When I'm just trying to be me and honest and sweet. Does that even make sense?
When others say the same thing, those people find it funny as hell and I feel made the fool. Grr... How upsetting.

Yeah it doesn't matter what others think but I don't want people taking things in the butt, ya know?! is my attempt at a warning label:

" Warning:
Things that Silvia may say today or any other day are to not be taken so seriously. She is just trying to be funny and in no way meant to be rude in any way, shape, or forum."
Thank You!"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Again it lives!

Before SilviaakaMippyPro on youtube I had another youtube account called Mippy87. I had about 200+ videos on there and it was doing quite well. One day I go to log in and I find out my account had been removed. I'm still unsure as to why it was removed, but it was. Now that this new account is up and running I've been trying to upload almost all the videos I had on the last account to the new one. I still have a lot of work to do, but I've been lucky enough to also post new videos along with old.
Probably the only good that came out of loosing the old account was that I was able to brain storm on new and better ideas for videos, rather than use the same picture or video over and over and while just using a different song. The hard part, though, is trying to upload the old videos. I've literally got a huge list of videos from my past account that I still need to upload, but you've defiantly been getting the new videos onto the channel first, rather than the old.
Some would say a plus, some wouldn't. Anyway your just going to have to just sit tight while I upload the good old videos along with more awesome and better videos!
But until then...just feel free to enjoy the video bellow.

This video was made out of boredom. Perfect is the song that was used, and its by the band Flyleaf.
This video was never easy to get working on my old account. I've also noticed that it wasn't easy to get it working on my new account either. Currently its being tracked on how many views it get and comments, by UMC... or whatever the group is called. I hope that some mild changes will get it off that list and working to how it should be working. I had fun editing this video and I think I did a well job on what I had to work with that night. I plan to make more Flyleaf inspired lip sync songs. I'll also get to uploading AFI's Into song I did a lip sync to and also Unwell, by Matchbox Twenty, just to name a few. So keep your eyes peeled on my youtube, my myspace, and my blogger for more upcoming info and video updates!
Also please be sure to check out the always awesome P.A.O.G (Portuguese Assembly of God) blogger, being as I attend most functions done by that awesome church!

As always this is me, Silvia! Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Portuguese Assembly of God

Well on the 24th of August my church had an all afternoon event. The event was for people from our church, and maybe other churches to come by and show off they're musical and artistic talent. Well it, in my opinion, had a poor turn out. There was probably around twenty something people there maybe just a little more than that, but still it was a poor turn out.
Many people showed off they're musical talent, and a selected few showed off what they did not have. I know it sounds a bit harsh, but I'm being honest! Either way it was a fun day, but a hot day.
The youth of the church performed a skit to the song "Everything" by Lifehouse.
I was lucky enough to be part of the production and not a stage hand that had to, in the end, sit out in the sidelines... I say that, because one Easter play a few years back I was too tall to be any important part in the play, and the only part left was curtain puller, which in the end I was rejected from doing also, on the day of the production, no less! *sad sigh* I was really crushed and vowed never to get involved in any Easter production EVER again!
But of course this skit was not a play, and it was not for Easter, so I have yet to break that promise.
And there I go ranting off topic, back to the skit.
That night there was to be two dances, and two skits. They canceled all but our skit and luckily we were towards the end.
Everyone involved did a wonderful job, and after hearing that one boy was going to not be able to make it that day made me a happy little lamb. Just because I felt it would be too long, and not to mention...a little more confusing for the audience.
But like I was saying, everyone did a great job doing there parts.
Something that surprised me was that when the Alcoholic friend comes in all drunk the audience laughed.
From where I had been standing, waving my arms, I had not noticed the laughing until I sort of snapped into it. I looked at what was going on and I didn't see any humor in it. I hadn't realized what they were laughing at until we had finished and Jonathan, my friend, had told me why they were doing so. So to hear that there was not a dry eye in the house I thought to myself "If there was not a dry eye in the house, then why the laughter?"
I still fail to understand, lol!
All I can remember from all of that, without looking at the video, was that I was shaking the whole time. From the time I set my foot upon the stage to when I got off the floor and went to the back.
As I swayed side to side I was trembling, I thought I would have collapsed!
I tried to remember to breath. I think that was the most important part. The fall had put me in a awkward position. I was lying in between Joey's legs, Debbie P.'s feet were in my nose, and I was staring at Brian's butt. All I wanted to do was move from there and lay down correctly, but it was too early to move and I did not want to distract the audience from the actual skit. I know how badly Joey wanted me to move, I could hear him quietly wanting to laugh, and tell me to get off. I think he also did tell me to get off, but I told him, or myself..."not yet!" Debbie's feet were wiggling in my face. I tried to make sure not to dare take in a sniff. I'm not saying her feet stunk, I just didn't want to risk it, for if they did. Also to Brian, I had not noticed who's butt I was looking at until I got up. I thought, when I was lying on the ground, "I'm too old to be lying on the ground like that, and with this kids butt in my face." I chuckled to myself as I was embarrassed to be lying there.
Ah what memories to share with myself for as long as I shall live.
I'm exited to see what will be for another upcoming project from my church. I will have to refuse to do this skit at other churches. Just not sure how my heart can take it.

And bellow happens to be the very skit performance I had ranted above. So have a look and enjoy the performance. We all did our best, even if some of us, mainly me was a nervous reck!

Now as I sit here typing and thinking of religion and what part it plays in my life and the life of my videos. If you were to ask me if I was religious I'd tell you no. I'd tell you I'm unsure of what I still am. By birth I was baptized Catholic and still I am Catholic, but if you were to ask me what church I go to I'd tell you "Portuguese Assembly of God," a Christian church.
From the day I started to go to just...maybe about two weeks ago if you were to ask me if I was happy going there...I'd tell you no and all of the down sides to the church. I'd tell you of my experiences. The beginning a threat to my very existence now I'm unsure of what I personally really think. All I know is that I enjoy going. I've made friends there, I've also been able to open up.
I think of my experiences at the Catholic church. I hated every moment! I hated confessing my sins to the I hadn't done it in so long that when I last confessed to a priest my lower jaw locked and I was too scared to speak. I felt that my whole life was full of sin and that I would die at any moment from the stress my heart was taking in! I hated church on Sunday's... the repeating prayers that I was forced to memorize! That crown my family and I prayed to! I never understood, and still don't understand why we prayed to that crown!
The only time I can think of that I enjoyed myself was when we had those classes. Well I only enjoyed one year. The year when we'd go to that class and had food waiting for us to eat. That was the only plus side to all of that!
I am now reminded of my first communion, when the class I was in took a moment to learn how to take the bread and wine. They actually gave us wine! I was shocked, and sickened due to the drink. EWWW it was so nasty!

I remember when I first started to go to the Christian church, it was actually the Bible studies first, then the church.
I didn't know a soul at the Bible studies. Then I came to find out I knew a few, but not personally...a long time ago is when I had met them. At a Christmas party, before they turned Christian. Anyway...
That first meeting the one giving the lesson came to me and asked to speak to me after the lesson. I said okay and when the lesson was over I stayed in the back till everyone left...Even though in my head I wanted to high tail it out of there!
He came up to me and asked if I believed that Jesus had died on the cross for our sins. I said yeah or something like that. He didn't believe me and got his Bible out. He opened it up and went to a passage. He had me read it, but instead read it himself. That had really freaked me out! I never wanted to go again, but my mom continued to drag me to those Bible Studies until she forced me to go to church. I really hated it and didn't want to go, I felt betrayed and cornered!
There were a few other times in the first two years of going that made me hate going there! Again, by the same man I was confronted by. There was a long drama that goes with that, but I get too embarrassed just thinking about it, so I'll leave it out this time around. Anyway...He comes up to me and the details of it are a little fuzzy, but all I know is that he starts to pray over me and he's crying. I remember not understanding why he's crying. I really, still, don't know what I'm suppose to do. I start to cry, hoping that the proses will just go faster. Nope, that had not helped. After that I was scared for my life. I thought that EVERYONE was going to come at me and do the same thing. I wanted to just avoid it all together! I did not want to go ever again, but yet I was still forced to go.
A few more years passed. I liked going to church for the people, not for the actual going...
But somehow all of that changed. I got closer to the people, especially two boys Matthew and Luke. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of those two, and they're family, and how much they have touched my heart. They were the family to make me actually want to go to church, not for the people but for the service. They were the family to open me up. To allow me to be me at church. Slowly I opened up. Slowly I was able to show others my talents and just also my personality!
Church then became more enjoyable! I'm horrible with years, but it was either early this year, or late last year when they left. They left a deep whole in my heart. I was depressed for a long time, cause I had missed them so much! Then Susana and Andrea came to our church. I'm not going to lie...I hated them, but that was until I got to know them.
I felt like they were trying to replace the people I loved the people I had been learning from! In the end...It turns out they were never trying to do anything like that. They are here to help us grow as people and as a faith. I learned already so much from the both of them, in just a few weeks.
My feelings towards them was a bit stand-offish, but it was only because I was afraid to let them in my heart. I was afraid to get to know them.
Susana is a great teacher. She has was to getting the youth to understand things of the past. She allows us to see things as now type of things rather than old.
Andre has a wonderful musical talent and voice. He has already helped with pulling out musical talent out of people you'd never think had any...
So now if you were to ask me..."Do you regret ever coming to this church?" I'd tell you no! Because I've grown and learned from these wonderful people.
These people like my talent and want to see me grow as a person and want to see more. They make me want to be a better person! They make me want to go Sunday's to church, not just for the people, but for the actual lessons them selfs. Yeah there might be day's where it looks like the lesson is putting me to sleep...well it is, but it doesn't mean I'm not learning from it. I just has a long night the night before, lol.
If there is anything I regret...It's not getting to know these people sooner.

And the truth to why I had not gone for a while to church was not only because I was closing Sunday's but because I wanted to see how long I could go without religion and church. Let me tell you it was hell, and I dont think I'll be doing that again.

And as to where all of this ties in with Silvia aka Mippy Productions? Well its giving you a little glimpse into my life and why I do the things I do.
And a lesson I had learned from Susana...
If I go to do anything else in life, be sure not to regret or go half hearted into anything, because you cant half-ass anything in life if you want to be happy. If you have just a little bit of doubt in what you are doing then its not worth doing!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I was a lesbian...for a day

Well today my church, yes I go to church, had a worship day. There was singing by almost all that came, and there was to be dancing but those kids were lazy and never followed through...then there was our skit. Supposedly 5 minutes long, but in my opinion it was more like 5 seconds. It went by so fast. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was participating in the skit. Either way it went well. I didn't mess up that made me happy!
It was a dance interpretation to Life House's "Everything" song. It's a beautiful song, and a powerful one too.
My character in the skit was the "Lesbian." I had come up with the make it more "modern" and I loved it! I dressed in as much rainbow as possible. I minus'd the belt due to the fact that when I went shopping for my clothing I had enough rainbow to have someone think I was a new gay. LOL.
Well I guess I should name all the other character, while I'm here:
Peter was Jesus
Debbie A. was the girl
Brian was the boy lover
Myself was the lesbian lover
Jonathan was the money man
Debbie P. was the best friend with alcohol
Joey was the best friend with drugs, or maybe the drug dealer...
Linda was vanity
and Steven was death/ suicide
All in all it went really well...and I had tons of fun.
I hear tomorrow we'll be re-doing the skit for people who missed out today to see.
I think it's really quite stupid. They should have shown up...but they didnt...lazy bums!
Well pretty soon I'll be sure to post the video of how it turned out. Also I'll be posting some other thing related to the skit. Like the practice.
Well that's it for me...Everyone have a great night, cause I'm tired, lol!